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Advent Class: Holy Disruption

2022-12-11 09:00 2022-12-11 10:00 America/Denver Advent Class: Holy Disruption

Holy Disruption:Discovering Advent in the Gospel of Mark, by Tracy S. Daub, presents a fresh understanding of the holiness of Christmas grounded, not in a conventional cozy Christmas message, but through Mark’s disquieting gospel, inviting its readers to experience God’s disruptive but transformative love for us and our world. Facilitated by Pastor Tammy.

1251 S Park Loop Rd

Holy Disruption:Discovering Advent in the Gospel of Mark, by Tracy S. Daub, presents a fresh understanding of the holiness of Christmas grounded, not in a conventional cozy Christmas message, but through Mark’s disquieting gospel, inviting its readers to experience God’s disruptive but transformative love for us and our world. Facilitated by Pastor Tammy.