We are here to invite children to know God together, today.

We are committed to creating safe, invitational spaces for kids to encounter God together.

Sunday Mornings

Sunday morning is a special time with our kids. It’s not daycare. It’s not school. It is worship!

We have PCJH Kids available every Sunday for children 3 years old through 5th grade, and nursery care available every Sunday for babies up to 3 years of age.

There is no offerings for children during the 8:00am service.

Know that kids are more than welcome at both services, and are welcome to stay in the Sanctuary at the 10:15am service as well.  There are coloring pads in the back of the sanctuary available.



Little Lambs Preschool

Our mission at Little Lambs is to provide a loving environment that promotes the social, physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual development for children. We want to encourage a sense of wonder and discovery in children through the process of their growing and learning.

Vacation Bible Adventure

July 15, 2024 — July 19, 2024
9:00am — 12:00pm (MDT)
Launch kids on a cosmic quest where they’ll have a blast shining Jesus’ light to the world. Stellar rockets kids on an out-of-this-world adventure that’s light years of faith-building fun.
Week long VBA = Monday - Friday 9am-Noon
Open to children PreK aged 3yrs - 5yrs (potty trained) and Elementary students entering K-5th grades.

Wednesday After School Adventures

After School Adventures is currently on an indefinite pause.

After school adventures is a faith based after school program on Wednesdays. We invite kids K-5th grade to come to PCJH after school for a time of fun activities, a snack, devotion, and a chance to do homework. We will occasionally take field trips as well into the community. The program ends at 5:30pm when the PCJH community dinner commences.

JOY Summer Camp

JOY Summer Camp is currently on an indefinite pause.

Please read the letter from our Senior Pastor, Ben Pascal, here to learn more about our decision to pause JOY.

These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. ~Deuteronomy 6:6-7

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