Big 5 Clothing Giveaway
From 5:00 pm to 7:00 pmWednesday, October 21, 5-7pm Saturday, October 24, 9-11am Thanks to your generosity, we have an amazing haul of Big 5 clothes to share with parents & the community. The free winter clothing items include hats, gloves, boots, jackets and pants, available for children and youth. Limited items available, children must be present with parent to shop. Spread the word to families & organizations! We’re honored to help provide this opportunity! Click here to view the flyer: Big 5 Giveaway Oct 2020 at PCJH
1251 S Park Loop Rd
Wednesday, October 21, 5-7pm
Saturday, October 24, 9-11am
Thanks to your generosity, we have an amazing haul of Big 5 clothes to share with parents & the community. The free winter clothing items include hats, gloves, boots, jackets and pants, available for children and youth. Limited items available, children must be present with parent to shop. Spread the word to families & organizations! We’re honored to help provide this opportunity!
Click here to view the flyer: Big 5 Giveaway Oct 2020 at PCJH