Children-Youth Ministry Kick-Off BBQ
From 11:45 am to 2:00 pmGames and music, burgers and hotdogs! Join the Children’s Ministry & Youth Ministry teams for a fun outdoor BBQ after church Sunday, Sept. 11, to kick off the fall season. Meet PCJH’s new Youth & Young Adult Coordinator and Children’s Ministry Coordinator, Megan Walker and Preston Gordon, as they share their visions and hopes for the church this upcoming year. This will be a great time of connection, mark your calendars now!
1251 S Park Loop RdGames and music, burgers and hotdogs! Join the Children’s Ministry & Youth Ministry teams for a fun outdoor BBQ after church Sunday, Sept. 11, to kick off the fall season. Meet PCJH’s new Youth & Young Adult Coordinator and Children’s Ministry Coordinator, Megan Walker and Preston Gordon, as they share their visions and hopes for the church this upcoming year. This will be a great time of connection, mark your calendars now!