Coffee Chat Book Club
From 9:30 am to 11:00 amJoin us for monthly summer book club where we can read pertinent Christian books and grow in our faith. The June book will be W. Philip Keller’s book, A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23. Questions to ponder will be emailed weekly to those who sign up (email This beloved classic will give new meaning to the ageless Shepherd’s Psalm. Please obtain your copy from the church lobby. Discussions are facilitated by PCJH member Julia Stanley.
1251 S Park Loop Rd
Join us for monthly summer book club where we can read pertinent Christian books and grow in our faith. The June book will be W. Philip Keller’s book, A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23. Questions to ponder will be emailed weekly to those who sign up (email This beloved classic will give new meaning to the ageless Shepherd’s Psalm. Please obtain your copy from the church lobby. Discussions are facilitated by PCJH member Julia Stanley.