Holy Land Interest Meeting
From 9:00 am to 10:00 amFeel called to experience Scripture like never before? Join us at 9am Sunday, Feb. 9, in the Mark Room at PCJH to explore the itinerary, travel, and adventure plans being explored for PCJH’s potential 2020 Holy Land pilgrimage. Official travel dates in country are October20-29. Come to show interest in and learn more about this trip of a lifetime!
1251 S Park Loop Rd
Feel called to experience Scripture like never before? Join us at 9am Sunday, Feb. 9, in the Mark Room at PCJH to explore the itinerary, travel, and adventure plans being explored for PCJH’s potential 2020 Holy Land pilgrimage. Official travel dates in country are October20-29. Come to show interest in and learn more about this trip of a lifetime!