“Matriarchs, Missionaries, and Martyrs: Women of the Bible and Why They Matter” Zoom Study
From 7:00 pm to 8:00 pmJoin us for a new online study, entitled “Matriarchs, Missionaries, and Martyrs: Women of the Bible and Why They Matter.” We’ll explore some key women in the Bible – their influence, their words, their stories, and how they can inform our faith journey in Christ. Facilitators include Pastors Ben and Tammy, Pat Wright, Debbie Schlinger and Deborah Buckingham. Email Pastor Tammy at tmitchell@pcjh.org, or Communications Coordinator Ally at akiefer@pcjh.org, for the class Zoom link.

Join us for a new online study, entitled “Matriarchs, Missionaries, and Martyrs: Women of the Bible and Why They Matter.” We’ll explore some key women in the Bible – their influence, their words, their stories, and how they can inform our faith journey in Christ. Facilitators include Pastors Ben and Tammy, Pat Wright, Debbie Schlinger and Deborah Buckingham.
Email Pastor Tammy at tmitchell@pcjh.org, or Communications Coordinator Ally at akiefer@pcjh.org, for the class Zoom link.