Maundy Thursday
From 7:00 pm to 8:00 pmIn partnership with Shepherd of the Mountains, our Maundy Thursday worship has two components this year. Click here for an “At Home Liturgy,” Note that some activities (baking homemade bread!) could be done earlier in the day. The video component of worship will premiere at 7:00pm on Shepherd of the Mountains’ Facebook page. Supplies that might help you engage more deeply in this service: a candle, and a globe, world map, or atlas. Please join us, or watch later at your convenience.

In partnership with Shepherd of the Mountains, our Maundy Thursday worship has two components this year. Click here for an “At Home Liturgy,” Note that some activities (baking homemade bread!) could be done earlier in the day.
The video component of worship will premiere at 7:00pm on Shepherd of the Mountains’ Facebook page. Supplies that might help you engage more deeply in this service: a candle, and a globe, world map, or atlas. Please join us, or watch later at your convenience.