Middle School Lock-In
From 7:00 pm to 10:00 amMiddle Schoolers, meet this Thursday at 7:00pm for a night of games and fun! We’ll stay at PCJH the whole evening and will sleep in Genesis/the youth room. Pick up at 10am on Friday! Dinner and breakfast for students provided. For a packing list and to RSVP, email Megan at mwalker@pcjh.org.
1251 S Park Loop RdMiddle Schoolers, meet this Thursday at 7:00pm for a night of games and fun! We’ll stay at PCJH the whole evening and will sleep in Genesis/the youth room. Pick up at 10am on Friday! Dinner and breakfast for students provided. For a packing list and to RSVP, email Megan at mwalker@pcjh.org.