“Strength to Love” Sermon Reading & Reflection
From 12:00 pm to 12:45 pmDuring Wednesday’s weekly Zoom get-together, Pastors Ben & Tammy will begin reflection on sermons from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s book, Strength to Love, from 12:00-12:45pm. No need to read anything beforehand, just join the Zoom group (email tmitchell@pcjh.org for the link) to read through a sermon together, using a shared screen, and discuss its message, context, and relevance to today’s world.

During Wednesday’s weekly Zoom get-together, Pastors Ben & Tammy will begin reflection on sermons from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s book, Strength to Love, from 12:00-12:45pm. No need to read anything beforehand, just join the Zoom group (email tmitchell@pcjh.org for the link) to read through a sermon together, using a shared screen, and discuss its message, context, and relevance to today’s world.