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Wednesday Bible Study

2019-09-11 17:15 2019-09-11 18:15 America/Denver Wednesday Bible Study

Weekly, join Pastor Ben or Pastor Tammy for study, reflection, and discussion on Scripture! This is a rich and time to dig into the Bible and ask questions, seek answers and learn from pastors and the Spirit. Childcare will be provided, beginning at 5:00pm, in the nursery. Head on in before Community Dinner, all are welcome and invited to join!

1251 S Park Loop Rd

Weekly, join Pastor Ben or Pastor Tammy for study, reflection, and discussion on Scripture! This is a rich and time to dig into the Bible and ask questions, seek answers and learn from pastors and the Spirit. Childcare will be provided, beginning at 5:00pm, in the nursery. Head on in before Community Dinner, all are welcome and invited to join!