Home Sweet Home

by Rev. Ben Pascal

Dear PCJH Family,

The Pascal family is back!  It was so much fun to be at home in the world this summer in Ethiopia, Rwanda, Croatia and Greece; but there is truly no place like home in Jackson Hole, especially in August!  Our sabbatical experience was a 10 out of 10. It was truly amazing! We felt the power of your prayers. We felt God’s presence, protection and provision; there were no injuries; no major illnesses; and there were no mishaps, but… there might have been just a few meltdowns.  ; )

Thank you for the gift of going on sabbatical!  It was transformational for me. I feel like a new pastor starting a new call at PCJH.  It is a wonderful feeling. I am still riding the sabbatical wave as we re-enter life in Jackson.  Our time together as a family was priceless. The memories we created were heavenly. The spiritual renewal was profound.  I believe we are different people and we are so happy to be home and re-engaging in our Jackson life with our amazing friends and church family.

I am currently preaching a sermon series entitled Sabbatical Reflections and would love to see you in worship on Sundays at 8:00am or 10:15am.  If you are not in town, go to pcjh.org and listen/watch the sermons online.

I also want to invite you to our Sunday 9:00am adult education class in the Genesis room for Sabbatical Reflections 2.0 starting on Sunday, September 8th.  The class will be six weeks in duration.  This will give Addie and I the opportunity to share more in depth about our sabbatical experience and hopefully benefit you in your own spiritual walk with Christ.  We will show some of the best photographs from our travels, we will share significant and also funny stories, we will reflect on our biblical and theological discoveries, and we will be available to answer any questions you may have.

We look forward to catching up with you all soon!

In Christ’s Love,

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