Our hope is to engage
people of all ages and backgrounds in meaningful worship experiences through congregational songs, choir anthems, and other special music offerings. We carry on the rich Presbyterian tradition of hymn-singing, and we encourage congregants to pick up a hymnbook when entering the sanctuary. We also share a wide variety of other music - from ancient to modern - as we seek to understand and worship God.

Praise Band
Our praise band is a team of committed volunteers who love God and are honored to use the gifts God has given them to share powerful worship experiences with their church family. If you would like to share your talents, whether vocal, instrumental, or sound production, please contact Worship Coordinator Laura Huckin at huckin@silverstar.com. It is always wonderful to feature special guests in our services!

The PCJH Choir sings several Sundays, from September through May, during the 10:15am worship service. The choir plays an important role in leading our congregational worship songs, as well as singing special anthems to lead the congregation into times of prayer or to prepare hearts for the sermon. The choir also serves as a covenant group for its members, offering warm fellowship, deep and supportive relationships, and communion with God through music and prayer. New members are always welcome.
Contact Director Laura Huckin at huckin@silverstar.com with any questions, or for a current rehearsal schedule.
Praise God with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre, praise him with tambourine and dancing, praise him with the strings and flute, praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. ~Psalm 150:3-6
Get Involved
If you are interested in joining the PCJH Choir or sharing your musical talents in other ways, contact PCJH's office at office@pcjh.org.