Vanishing Grace Adult Class

Join Pastor Tammy for a new 5-week Adult Bible Study: Vanishing Grace, beginning the week of May 1st. Philip Yancey shows the desperate need our world has for grace. Explore

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Spring Cleaup

Mark your calendars now, PCJH will be participating in the annual Town Cleanup on Sat, May 14th! In addition to our own church property (families included), adults will be cleaning up South

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Transition Sunday

Join us at our 10:15am service June 5th as we celebrate the graduating preschoolers, 5th graders, 8th graders, and high school seniors in our congregation!

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Confirmation Sunday

Join us over livestream or in-person for Confirmation Sunday, a special celebration for our youth who completed this spring’s Confirmation Class! The confirmands will profess their faith and the congregation

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Choir Rehearsal

Join the choir for rehearsal every Wednesday from 6:00-7:3:0pm in the Sanctuary! New singers are always welcome. Directed by Laura Huckin. The PCJH Choir sings most Sundays, from September through

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Encounter Storytelling Event

You won’t want to miss this inspiring evening of encountering God’s transforming power through personal story at PCJH’s third storytelling event! Join us in person at PCJH in the Chapel to hear true stories from our

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