Youth Pop-Up Coffee Shop

Middle Schoolers, high schoolers, and friends/ family, bike or drive through the PCJH parking lot from 1-3pm to see Megan & friends and grab a delicious drink! Lattes, iced tea,

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4th of July Parade

Celebrate with the entire community at Jackson’s Fourth of July Parade! PCJH will have a bus and banners for our community programs in the parade this year. We’re seeking volunteers

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Youth Service Week

“And who is my neighbor” – Luke 10:29 Entering 6th – 9th grade students are invited to explore the question, “Who is my neighbor?” by visiting and volunteering at service-related

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Tennis Class with Diane McGee

Join state-celebrated instructor Diane McGee & the Congregational Life team for fun free open tennis play! All skill levels and ages welcome! Players can receive lessons & tips from Diane,

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All-Church Spring Cleanup

Whether you have a green thumb or not, we need your help to tidy up on our church grounds after winter! Come with gloves, gardening tools, and adequate clothing to

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