The Tiniest Teacher

by Sarah Romorini Adkins 
This article was originally published in PCJH’s Fall 2024 Pinnacle, “Faith Like a Child”

I consider myself a pretty joyful person, but nothing could’ve prepared me for the joy of watching our sweet baby discover the world. The sweetness (and hundreds of photos on my phone) that accompany every little “first”—whether it’s rolling over, trying a banana, or that very first belly laugh—reminds me of how good the simple stuff is. Watching our baby’s unreserved trust, dependence, curiosity, and love has been a gentle reminder of the power of childlike faith that can get buried under the heavy cover of complex adulting. 

Our little one is seven months old and depends on us for everything—food, protection, diaper changes, and those 3am snuggles. Despite being so new to the world, he instinctively trusts that we’ll provide what he needs…even if there are some cries of protest along the way when I didn’t guess it right the first time. I plop him in his car seat, and put him in the car. He has to trust my Italian-style driving AND he doesn’t know where we’re going. He doesn’t worry or overthink—he just knows it’ll get sorted. Even though the destination is unknown, we’re going there together.   

Having faith like a child lifts the burden of doubt, fear, the need for control and getting overwhelmed by how complex life can be. Life is uncertain, but every day , we’re invited to rest in the peace that, even if we don’t understand what’s happening, God’s got it covered. When we pick our baby up during a fussy moment, he usually calms down because he knows he’s safe in our loving arms. And unlike his mama, who’s just winging it day by day, there’s a faultless God who created the universe who’s wanting to hold each of us and give us that peace and rest.  

My friends confidently told me that babies don’t actually smile until they’re older, and those early grins are just because of gas. But I swear, there were hints of joyful smiles when our baby was just a few weeks old (and no, it wasn’t just gas!). Now, those smiles have evolved into full-on belly laughs about the simple stuff…dancing, looking at trees, scooting on the floor, peekaboo on repeat, and extra snuggles. Every day is packed with new experiences for both of us, and there’s a sense of wonder that’s easy to lose as we grow up. What if I brought that same sense of wonder, joy, and curiosity to my relationship with God? And unlike all the baby gear Instagram says is essential, these beautiful emotions—joy, wonder, hope—don’t cost anything, and they make life infinitely richer. 

A beautiful part of our parenthood journey is experiencing a love without boundaries. Our little one loves us simply for who we are, and trusts us completely. That kind of love is a reminder that faith is also love—simple, unconditional, and without reservation. It’s a reflection of this pure kind of love God has for each of us—a love we don’t have to earn or deserve, but that’s freely given. Having faith like a child means embracing this love and letting it transform our relationship with God and with others.

One of the things I’m learning is that love is really the highest frequency. Absolutely nothing could’ve prepared me for the love I feel for our little one. I used to think of love as finite, like a pie and suddenly there’s just crumbs left. But no! Love is a totally infinite pie that keeps expanding—there’s no limit, no bottom, no boundaries. It’s totally unconditional. And it’s incredible to imagine that the love I feel for our baby is only a fraction of the love our Creator has for each of us. 

So, what have I learned in these first few months, other than how amazing sleep used to be? Life gets a lot simpler when I let go and trust with joy, love, wonder like our sweet baby.

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