PCJH Habitat Build Day

Come use your skills, gain experience, and help out some wonderful members of your community at the May 11th PCJH Habitat for Humanity build! Volunteers will be helping with framing

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Good Friday

Join us in mourning and commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus and his death on the cross for our sins. This 7:00pm service will be held at Shepherd of the Mountains

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Maundy Thursday

Join us in worship and meditation as we commemorate the foot washing and Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles. This 7:00pm service will be held at PCJH, in

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Easter Sunday

Join us on Easter Sunday to celebrate and rejoice in our risen Savior and the new life, freedom and grace we have in Him! Easter services will be held at

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Sabbatical Send-Off Luncheon

Join us in gathering around the Pascal family on their last Sunday at PCJH before departing for their three-month sabbatical! We’ll enjoy a luncheon together in fellowship and celebration, starting

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All-Church Picnic

Enjoy the sun with your PCJH family at our All-Church Picnic, a time to gather together in fellowship and bask in the summer rays, all while eating delicious food on

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