Wednesday Community Dinner

This weekly Community Dinner serves as a time of intentional gathering for our church during the week, as well as an outreach to the community for whomever needs a free

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Growing Young Event

How do we reach the next generation for Christ and incorporate them into the life of the church community? All events are FREE and open to all interested – read

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Small Group Facilitator Meeting

Looking to get more connected with PCJH? Small groups are coming this fall and they need facilitators like you! If interested in helping facilitate a small group, you’re invited to

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Annual Peach Sale

Get ready for the annual Peach Sale!! Swing by PCJH starting at 4:00pm on Thursday, Aug. 15th, to pick up Red Globe and Cresthaven peaches from Peachfork Orchards, Colorado. Same

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Youth Group Movie Night

Middle School students are invited to join Liz & Megan for a mid-week get together! Come hang out! We are meeting at PCJH in the Genesis Room for a movie

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Small Group Kick-Off Lunch

Want to hear what small groups are all about? Come learn more about how this exciting new ministry can positively transform our congregation! Led by Pastor Tammy and the Small

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Community Worship Night

This worship collaboration between First Baptist Church, Tribe and PCJH will be held at First Baptist Church on Sunday, July 28. Come at 6:30pm for snacks and fellowship; worship will

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Adult Class: Groaning Beauty

Rev. Dr. Mark Labberton, President of Fuller Theological Seminary, will be leading the 9:00am Sunday Class July 7 and 14, entitled Groaning Beauty: Living in between the beauty of God’s

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