On behalf of our year-round staff, thank you for your interest in summer ministry opportunities at JOY Summer Camp. Working at JOY may be the most challenging, most exhausting and most meaningful job you’ll ever have. And probably the most fun, too! Each summer around 20 adults and young adults come together to serve approximately 150-200 campers for a 10-week period. Our goal is to help campers grow in skills, relationships and faith! This year, more than ever, campers need a mentor. If you want to make a real impact in campers' lives, come join our team!

Staff Positions Available
Employment Details
1. Applicants for counseling and program staff must be entering their 1st year of college or have completed at least one year of college.
2. Preference will be given to applicants who are available for the full summer. Some staff will be asked to arrive earlier or stay longer.
3. All staff must be able to articulate a personal faith in Jesus Christ.
4. All staff must have a current CPR certification valid for the entire summer. We encourage staff to obtain a lifeguard certification for the summer as well. Due to the extra responsibility lifeguard certified staff will have, they will earn an extra $1 per hour on top of their regular hourly wages.
4. Staff will work a five-day week. Schedules are dictated by program.
5. Applications will be accepted from February 1 – June 1 and must be submitted prior to scheduling an interview. Applicants who have been selected for employment will be notified by mid May.
Position Descriptions
Counselor – Must be entering their first year of college or have completed at least one year of college with experience in supervising children. Counselors provide care and daily supervision for a group of up to 8 campers per day. Responsibilities include management of camp schedules, enforcement of camp guidelines, leading activities, enhancing community dynamics, and ensuring the safety of campers. Experience in teaching Bible study and behavior management desirable. Ideal position for those who enjoy the outdoors, are in good health, have experience working directly with children, and desire to share their faith in Christ with kids.
Program Staff – Must be entering their first year of college or have completed at least one year of college, with experience in supervising both children and peers. Teach activities such as target sports, skateboarding, balance biking, drama, crafts and nature study. Provide general program support under direction of Activity Supervisor. Must demonstrate initiative, flexibility, creativity, strong communication skills, and stamina.
Junior Counselor– Designed for high school students entering their freshman year to senior year. A minimum 5 week commitment that provides experience and learning for students in child development, small group leadership, and activity instruction. They are part of the invaluable support team which works alongside lead counselor and have primary responsibility in assisting in the care, shaping, supervision and service to our campers.

Staff Expectations
Upon accepting JOY Summer Camp’s invitation to join our Summer Staff Family, as well as the PCJH Family, you will receive and sign a contract agreeing to specific dates of employment. Along with this contract we adhere to some behavior guidelines that enhance staff unity and the effectiveness of our camp ministry. We have found them to be truly necessary while living and working in a small community during an intensive period of service, and provide them below as a reminder.
~ I will strive to follow the mission of JOY Summer Camp by both word and deed to help campers grow in skills, relationships and faith. In doing so I will gladly work alongside my fellow colleagues to accomplish this mission with a servant attitude both on and off the camp grounds.
~ I understand that profanity, inappropriate/slanderous/racial jokes, bullying or harassment of any kind toward a member of the camp community is prohibited.
~ I agree to keep my appearance clean and well groomed. I adhere to a dress code of modesty, including swimwear. In addition, I will arrive promptly to camp in a timely manner prepared for the multitude of camp activities.
~ I understand that staff may only wear pierced jewelry in their ears while at Day Camp.
~ I have discussed any visible tattoos with the director and understand that if tattoos are deemed inappropriate for the day camp setting, they will remain covered.
~ I will honor JOY Summer Camp’s no-tech policy and keep my personal technology, including cell phone, iPad, etc. out of sight/use during work hours.
~ I understand that my presence on the Web is public and reflects on my ministry with camp as well as JOY Summer Camp and PCJH’s reputation. If I identify myself as an JOY / PCJH employee or volunteer on social media, I agree to refrain from posting inappropriate comments or photos, as well as personal photos of campers.
~ No matter my role or position at JOY Summer Camp, I will strive to never leave campers unsupervised and will adhere to all safety rules and regulations of the church and state of Wyoming.
~ I commit to using authoritative techniques to shape the behavior of campers and will adhere to JOY Camper Discipline Policy. At no time will I behave in an abusive manner towards any member of the JOY/PCJH community, including physical, verbal, sexual and emotional abuse or neglect. I understand that any type of abuse will not be tolerated and will be cause for immediate dismissal.
~ I will not transport campers in a private vehicle unless previously authorized for emergency purposes.
~ I will refrain from using alcohol, drugs and tobacco products during my work/volunteer hours, and I will commit to arrive for work each day sober, with clarity, energy and the attitude characteristic of JOY Summer Camp’s excellent staff. I will refrain from use of illegal substances for the duration of my employment/volunteer contract. Further, I understand that all JOY staff socials will be drug and alcohol free.
~ I commit to being a good communicator with my fellow staff members and staff leadership. I will also refrain from spreading rumors and air any grievances or concerns with leadership staff directly. I will put forth my best effort and have fun while doing it so that others can see Christ in me and in my actions. Our church is known throughout Jackson as a warm, casual and welcoming community church. Our staff is awesome, hard working and FUN to be with. Our prayer is that you will be well loved and supported by our year round staff and congregation, too.
Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. ~1 Corinthians 12:27